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Interviewed by Elizabeth Townsend Gard

Date March  2018


Aasta is the third generation of Turnbows that are in the quilting industry.  She does the social media for The Stencil Company.  She also designs whole-cloth and stencils. And she has an additional business, Harrison House Designs, that prints custom whole-cloth designs.








Your family of quilters

Social Media and the Stenicl Company

Designing whole-cloth

Harrison House Designs

Your memories of Quilt Market

Being a family business in the quilting industry

Free motion grid quilt stencil





Just Wanna Quilt: An Immersive Research Project of Copyright


Podcast and Research Lab

Tulane University Law School

New Orleans, LA 70118




Quilting Army Krewe, LLC

New Orleans, LA 70125

(504) 339-3857


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