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Amy Reitzel 

Interviewed by Elizabeth Townsend Gard

Date March  2018


Amy is part of our Quilting Army.  And she is wonderful.  She posts a lot.  She is part of the Gypsy Wife Sew Along.  She let us interview her mom.  She is also a professional pattern maker.  How could you not love her????  







Role of FB Groups in your Quilting Life

Quilting and Michigan

Rulers!  Like 150 of them

Mother owned a fabric store in 1974

Amy's Wagon Wheel Creation

Fabric Grips Sandpaper Circles

Omni Grid

Clover Silk Pins

Quilt Exchange





Just Wanna Quilt: An Immersive Research Project of Copyright


Podcast and Research Lab

Tulane University Law School

New Orleans, LA 70118




Quilting Army Krewe, LLC

New Orleans, LA 70125

(504) 339-3857


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