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Carrie Shelby of Quilter's Crossing Inc Quilt Show

Interviewed by Elizabeth Townsend Gard

Date March  2018


Carrie is new to quilting, but not sewing.  She joined a guild two years ago, and she is experiencing helping to organize her first show.  She talks about learning to be an art quilter and what she's discovering along the way.

[Note: the guild is non-profit, but the show is for-profit.  I forgot to ask her why that is.  She's coming back as a post-show guest to talk about what happened.  Ask her about htat]







Q​uilting Two Year

Pattern maker for Butterick


- Show and Tell

- Activity at the guild

- Qualities: generous; gift economy; utilitarian; 

- Membership co-chair and new members

- Vendor

- Opportunity Quilt 

Always thinking about the person

Goal: to take as many classes

Art quilter

Challenge quilt.  Everyone gets the same fat quater.  Theme.  "Telling tales"



Quilts on Display at Gallery

Not thinking about money; more about the process

David Taylor (applique)

Ellen Linor (double reverse applique)






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