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Events and Accomplishments


Podcast Launches Feb 6, 2018

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Just Wanna Quilt was featured in the Louisiana edition of Quiltfolk magazine in 2018! 


We were so honored to have Mary Fons write a story about our project.  A few months later, Mary returned with Tula Pink, who had chosen a law school quilt to be inspired as a new pattern, which was featured in Quiltfolk's first pattern.  Listen to the Tula and Mary episode and also Michael McCormick, publisher of Quiltfolk. 

Quilting Army goes to Paducah

Judy Walker, Gigi Baay, Hillary Harrison, Edith Gross and Mary Ellen  ____ represents Just Wanna Quilt.  They had a blast. 

Summer FieldTrip

We took the show on the road.  We stayed with QA Member Tara Miller of the Quilt District and visited Museum of Design Atlanta "Making Change" exhibition that included Chawne Kimber, Social Justice Sewing Academy and so. much more.  We also went to visit Scott Fortunoff at the Jaftex Warehouse and offices, which was a blast, if a little hot.   We also visited Quilts, Inc in Hosuton.


Just Wanna Quilt has an Interactive booth at Festival 

So we took the Quilting Army and headed to Houston!  So much fun! We taught people about podcasts and copyright, and passed out a lot of beads!


We named our booth "Just Wanna Sit," and we were so blessed that so many from the Quilting Army sent quilts to decorate the booth!


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QuiltCon in Nashville

Dr. Townsend Gard taught two lectures and a workshop on intellectual property, with the help of her law students Ricardo Gonzales and Allison Higgins.  We also had the amazing assistance of QA Joel Sellers and Judy Walker.


We met up with our friends from all over, including having a Kingcake Meetup with Just Wanna Quilt.  

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Geaux Create 2019

Tulane University Law School hosted its annual Entertainment and Sports law conference, and added not only a panel on Quilting and Cosplay with Scott Fortunoff, Cheryl Sleboda, Cely Pedescleaux, and Mary Fons but also a full Saturday of sewing with Andi Barny from the Sewing Machine Doc, and Cheryl Sleboda from Muppina and Sew Much Cosplay teaching hand sewing techniques.  We also of course did a little bit of copyright.

Summer Field Trip

We had a full summer adventure again!  Chicago. We saw Ann Wasserman in Chicago, and spent the day at the Art Institute and plotting new adventures at lunch.  We also spent time with Mary Fons, incredible as always. I took a pj sewing class at a local library with Julia Driscoll.  I had a glorious week with Cheryl Sleboda, where we also saw Ebony Love at her studio.  Then, we headed to New York.  We visited Michael Miller Fabrics and Jaftex, both amazing adventures.  Madison Manoushagain stopped by the SDNY court to get the original complaint in a quilt case.  We visited shops.  The most amazing part of the trip was that we ran into Cely Pedescleaux on the train ride up to Chicago!  How crazy is that.  We were on the same train!!!

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Dr. Townsend Gard will be teaching at the Inagural Threads of Success

We'll be there in October!  Teaching IP Survey, Copyright, and Patents.  Hopefully Ricardo Gonzales will be there too!

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