Welcome! We are multi-faceted. We began as a research podcast by Dr. Townsend Gard at Tulane University Law School.
We've grown into a community about quilting, crafting, entrepreneurship and intellectual property.​
FTC Disclaimer: Sometimes Just Wanna Quilt is given free samples to understand the product in conjunction with the podcast. We always let the audience know when this is the case. We also purchase products, which we also let you know.
Gail Berry-Graham of Gail Berry Quilts (Canada)
Interviewed by Elizabeth Townsend Gard
Date May 2018
Gail is part of our Quilting Army. She is a quilter, teacher, a Handi Quilter Educator and a Certified Threadologist with Superior Threads.
Part 1 is all about quilting
We are doing a part 2 about long arm and computerized quilting
Then, she is also doing a field trip report about Quilt Canada..... [do a follow-up email]
HandiQuilter Educator
Certified Threadologist with Superior Threads
Sweet Sixteen machine
Amara long arm
20 years to finish first quilt
long arm services
trunk show
Art & Stitch software
Quilting in Canada