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Twins Becky Tillman Peterson and Rachel Woodard of Quilted Twins.

Interviewed by Elizabeth Townsend Gard

Date May 2018


Becky, and her twin sister Rachael, come to chat with us about their quilting and entrepreneurial life.  They don't do anything small.  They tell the story of how they started their online and now brick-and-mortar fabric store, and also how Becky designs patterns.  They are so very funny.  I think we all have a little bit of Becky and Rachel inside of us, but they just take it to a whole other level.


Since this interview, Corrie Dutton, our law student went to their shop!  And there is video of the shop on our FB group site.  They have also become one of our research sponsors.  We've very excited.







About their quilting life

Running an online shop

How they have so many quilts

100% Upcycled quilts

Upcycled blues project (the coolest)

The warehouse:  what's in it?

Fabric - the economics, how you choose, etc.

2" strip quilts

Free downloads

Secrets to perfect piecing

Lesson on how to upcycle - for a first timer

Writing about quilts - the blog

Time management

How many projects at once?

How many quilts a year?

How long does each quilt talk to make?

Quilt shops in Poland

The Coupon Clippers (and what we can learn from it)



Just Wanna Quilt: An Immersive Research Project of Copyright


Podcast and Research Lab

Tulane University Law School

New Orleans, LA 70118




Quilting Army Krewe, LLC

New Orleans, LA 70125

(504) 339-3857


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