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Virginia Postrel 

Interviewed by Elizabeth Townsend Gard

Date January 2018



Virginia Postrel came by way of Brian Frye, a law professor and part of our Quilting Army.  Virginia is a well-known author.   She has written about Glamour and Beauty, and also quilts.



She wrote, "Love your homemade quilt? Thank Capitalism"  She is working on a project, The Fabric of Civilization, which will be a forthcoming book.





Role of industrialization and quilting

Textiles and Technology

The Fabric of Civilization

Work on "glamour" - theory and practice

Role of economics in your work

Glamour and Quilting  - "if only I could sew that quilt!"

Glamour is like humor:  something glamour and there is an audience.  way the audience reacts

Wealth v. gold.  


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