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​Week Nineteen

Monday, June 18

Tara Miller, quilter


Tuesday, June 19

Susan Ainsworth Smith, quilter and long-arm small business owner


Wednesday, June 20

Jayna  , The Pussy Hat Project and Comfort Blankets


Week Eighteen

Monday, June 11

Andrea Tsang Jackson


Wednesday, June 13

Theresa McFarling


Week Seventeen


Monday, June 4

Mary Lillico, quilter, talks about her dream of long-arm (and it's really funny)


Tuesday, June 5

Sara Trail, Social Justice Sewing Academy


Wednesday, June 6



Week Sixteen


Monday,  May 28 

Laura Oswald, Director of Marketing for Paducah


Tuesday, May 29

Shelly Ast, Havel's Sewing



Week Fifteen


Rebecca Tushnet, a Harvard Law Professor who talks about knitting and fair use.  She's super smart and super cool.


Carolanne Donovan, quilter and digital marketer talks to us about her quilting life, being president of her quilt guild, and digital marketing.  She's coming back to help us understand Facebook, Instagram and tips for the quilt entrepreneur.


Olivia Beatty, quilter, we talk about her favorite quilters, her thoughts on quilting and her feeligns about creating patterns on Etsy, Craftsy and in her life.


Week Fourteen:  4 Pattern Makers 


Monday, May 14

Jo Westfoot of the Craft Nomad


Tuesday, May 15

Maria Shell, author of Improv Patchwork


Wednesday, May 16

Lee Monroe Chappell of May Chappell


Thursday, May 17

Shelly Weeks, Quilting Army


(We took a week off!  No new episodes for the first week of May)


Week Thirteen


Monday, April 30

Melanie NcNeil, quilter and blogger 


Tuesday, April 31 :  Paducah Reports 1

Judy Walker reports on Paducah


Wednesdsay, May 1:  

Gigi Baay reports on Paducah 2 


Thursdsay, May 2

Mary Ellen Ramirez Leingang   reports on Paducah 3


Friday, May 3

Edith Gross reports on Paducah 4


Week Twelve


(No recap!  Sorry about that!)


Monday, April 23

Todd Purcell from Superior Threads talks to us about threads!

(See his original interview, if you haven't already, which was on Launch Day!)


Tuessday, April 24

Becky Hill, quilter and part of the Quilting Army


Wednesday, April 25

Virginia Postrel, author on glamour, style, and now textiles and technology


Friday, April 27

Law and Entrepreneurship law students reflect on their experiences



Week Eleven


Week Ten Recap


Monday, April 16

Jacquie Gering, famous quilter

Road to Paducah - Memphis


Tuesday, April 17

Yvonne Wilson, quilter

Bumbletee Quilt Shop, Germantown, TN (on the Road to Paducah)


Wednesday, April 18

Chris Sprigman, law professor, New York University Law School


Thursday, April 19

Laura Bickford, Souls Grown Deep Foundation


Week Ten


Week Nine Recap


Monday, April 9

Ruth Kitchin Tillman, quilter


Tuesday, April 10

Joel Sellers, quilter


Wednesday, April 11

Amy Bradley, Purple Pineapple Studios 


Friday, April 13

Podcast LIVE from Gulf Coast Quilt Guild Show (we're trying it)


Week Nine


Week Eight Recap


Monday: April 2

Bonnie Browning, American Quilter's Society talks about Paducah Spring Quilt Week


Tuesday, April 3

Julie Broderson, quilter of celebration quilts



Wednesday, April 4

Chawne Kimber, famous quilter and math professor


(Big conference at the law school this week.  More podcasts lext week!)




Week Eight


Week Seven Recap


Monday, March 26

Episode 46: Hayley Foster Gray, Quiter

Bonus: The Giveaway Winner Announced! And Recap!


Wednesday, March 28

Episode 48: Janna Thomas, BlocLoc


Thursday, March 29

Episode 49: Raymond Houston , quilter


Friday, March 30

Episode 50: Ann Bartow , law professor


Week Seven


This week we have our first giveaway!  The Stencil Company has donated $50 worth of stencils and pre-printed whole cloth.  We will also discuss the legal issues surrounding giveaways.  We also have others we chat with as well!  Their story is an interesting example of a small quilt industry business over multiple generations.  Note:  The Stencil Company sent JWQ a research sample of a small pre-printed whole cloth and some stencils to better understand their products and to research the intellectual property aspects.  


Monday, March 19

Episode 40: Holice Turnbow, quilter, designer, quilt judge and stencil designer for The Stencil Company


Tuesday, March 20

Episode 41: Cynthia Turnbow, owner of the Stencil Company


Wednesday, March 21

Episode 43: Aasta Deth, daughter of Cynthia and granddaughter of Holice, part of the Stencil Company, and owner, Harrison House Designs


Thursday, March 22

Episdoe 44: Seth Helcker talks about the giveaway at FB Group Quilting on a Budget

Episdoe 45: Cheryl Sleboda talks about giveaways in general



Friday, March 23

Tulane Law School Students Roundtable discussion:  legal aspects of giveaways and/or  being an influencer 




Week Six


This week, we're down two episodes, Monday and Wednesday.  We're also doing a live event on Tuesday, and another one on St. Patrick's day on Saturday.  


Monday, March 12

Episode 36:   Nina Paley, famous artist and quilter

Episode 37:  Megan Lundgren, quilter (Monday is her quilty day.  So we thought we would post it now!)


JWQ Planning Session

2:15 @ Uptown Needle and Craftworks

Join us through Zoom:  computer -

Or call in:  

US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 646 558 8656 

    Meeting ID: 731 956 2893

    or we will be live on FB in our FB Group:


This will also be posted as a podcast!  We're trying live podcasting!!!!


Wednesday, March 14   

Episode 38:   Dora Cary, Orange Dot Quilts

Episode 39:  Pamela Johnson, quilter



Saturday, March 17 - St. Patrick's Day and National Quilting Day

We'll be at Uptown Needle and Craftworks sewing!  And then we'll walk a block to the St. Patrick's Day Parade on Napoleon.  Stop by!  Join us!  It should be fun.  I think there is cabbage-throwing involved someway.


Week Five


Monday, March 5

Episode 31:  Scott Fortunoff, Jaftex (the company that just bought Free Spirit!)

What a month!!!!  What a great episode.  31 episodes (plus bonus materials) for the first month!


Tuesday, March 6  - Our One Month Anniversary!!!!!!

Download, like, and watch all of the videos so far!!!! (There's more than 31 of them!!!)

Episode 32:  Cheryl Sleboda (part 2) of and SewMuchCosplay talks to us about the quilting industry.


Wednesday, March 7   

Episode 33:  Emma Connolly of Uptown Needle and Craftworks


Thursday, March 8

Episode 34:  Brian Frye, Law Professor, University of Kentucky College of Law


Friday, March 9

Episode 35: Liz Lesher, quilter 


Week Four


This week we are going to try one episode a day, M-R to see what that brings.


Monday, Feb 26

Episode 27:  QuiltCon 2018 Field Trip Report  with Jeanette Floyd


Tuesday, Feb 27

Episode 28: Jill Repp from June Tailor, Part 2 - We talk about cool tools!


Wednesday, Feb 28

Episode 29: Amy Newbold, Sewtopia, a moving quilt retreat  


Thursday: March 1

Episode 30:  Lauren Anderson, quilter


Week 4 Recap (posted on Sunday, March 4)



Week Three


Ok.  We're settling down into a routine.  We're going to try two episodes on Monday and two on Wednesday.  


Monday:  Feb 19

Episode 24:  Susan Blexrud, quilter and romance novelist

Episode 25:  Seth Hackler from Quilting on a Budget FB Group


Wednesday:  Feb 21

  Episode 26:  Rachel Bishop of Quilted Owl


Friday: Feb 23

  Week 3 Recap


Week Two


We are through the launch!  So, let's get into a routine.  We're still working out whether we should do one episode each day, M-F or two on Monday and two on Wednesday.  We're trying two/two plus short bonus materials.  We'll begin our Core Copyright Concepts soon as well, and a few more surprises!



Bonus: Launch Week Recap (Elizabeth Townsend Gard)



Monday - Feb 12 

  Episode 19: Theresa Duryea Wong (quilter, author)

  Episode 20: Jeanette Floyd (quilter)

   Bonus:  Julia's Fieldtrip: Pieces N' Patches Quilt Guild, Steger, Il 


Wednesday - Feb 14

  Episode 21:  Jeanne Hewell-Chambers (It's her birthday!) (70,723 Project)

  Episode 22: Sherry Songhurst (quilter, Piece Corp at Quilts, Inc and the International Quilt Festival)


Friday - Feb 15

 Episode 23:  Stephanie  Kendron of Modern Sewciety (a famous quilter!!) stops by!

 Bonus: Week Two Recap


Week One


In our first week, we want to introduce you to all of the kinds of interviews we've been conducting -- quilters, entrepreneurs, charities, industry, tool-makers, and sew much more.  We'll be posting the rest of the schedule shortly!  



Preview:  Introduction/Preview: What is "Just Wanna Quilt"?  - Feb 5, 2018

Episode 1:  Bob Ruggiero, Quilts, Inc, (Quilt Market and Quilt Festival), Industry - February 5, 2018



Episode 2: Cheryl Sleboda ,, SewMuchCosplay and Quilt Influencer - February 6, 2018

Episode 3:  Todd Purcell, Superior Thread - Feb 6, 2018

Episode 4:  Sherri Ashford, Copper Canyon Quilts - February 6, 2018

Episode 5: Maureen Colleens, Quilter and Law Professor - February 6, 2018

Episode 6: Edith Gross , Quilter - February 6, 2018

Episode 7: Vanessa Vargas Wilson, Crafty Gemini, Part 1, February 6, 2018

Episode 8: Mattie Rhodes Haines, Quiltsmart, February 6, 2018

Episode 9: Judy Walker and Jill Elliot , a family of quilters, February 6, 2018

Episode 10: Tsoniki Crazy Bull, quilter and podcaster - February 6, 2018

Episode 11:   Janice Peachey, quilter, February 6, 2018

Episode 12: Heather Kubiak , quilter and attorney,  Feb 6, 2018

Bonus: Patty and Elizabeth talk about the Quilt Festival

Facebook live:  Uptown Needle and Craftworks, 10 am



Episode 13: Vanessa Vargas Wilson, Part 2, Crafty Gemini - Feb 7, 2018

Episode 14: Julia Driscoll, quilter - Feb 7, 2018



Episode 15: Leah Day, Hello My Quilting Friends - Feb 8, 2018

Episode 16: Amy Milne, Quilt Alliance, Feb 8, 2018

Facebook live:  Mes Amis Quilt Shop, 10:30 am



Episode 17: Jill Repp, June Tailor - Feb 9, 2018

Episode 18: Gigi Baay, Quilter - Feb 9, 2018




Other Future Guests (already recorded):

Carla Triemer, Quilt Without Borders

Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr, famous quilters, designers and authors

Susan Blexrud, quilter

Jeff Caplan, Craftoptics

Amy Newbold, Sewtopia

Leonie and Bill West, inventors, Sew Steady

Cindy Turnbow, The Stencil Company

Holice Turnbow, Famous Quilter and Designer

Mary Mata, Mi Mundo En Telas YouTube channel

Emma Connolly, Uptown Needle and Craftworks

Dora Cary, Orange Dot Quilts

Cely Pedescleaux, quilter and local New Orleans influencer

Tsoniki Crazy Bull, quilter and podcaster

Jeanne Hewell-Chambers, The 70273 Project 

Pam Weeks, Curator, New England Quilt Museum

Mattie Rhodes Haines, Quiltsmart

Pam Johnson, art quilter

Theresa Duryea Wong, author and Third Floor Quilts

Judel Niemeyer, Quiltworxs

Nina Paley, artist and quilter

Chris Sprigman, law professor 

Joan Murphy, quilter

Helen Bowler quilter

Xenia Cord, quilter, collector, quilt dealer, Quilt Hall of Fame

Barbara Brackman, author, quilter

Stephanie Kendron, Modern Sewciety

Helen Bowler, quilter

Yvonne Wilson, quilter

Victoria Pastrell, author

Dave Fugundes, law professor, University of Houston

Brian Frye, law professor, University of Kentucky

Lorrie Craner, quilter and computer science professor, Carnegie Mellon

Michael Madison, law professor, University of Pittsburgh

Jack Kleiner, Paper Pieces, Inc.

Sherry Songhurst, quilter and Piece Corps for Quilts, Inc.

Amy Bradley, Purple Pineapple Studios

Laura Bickford, Souls Grown Deep Foundation (Gee's Bend)

Victoria Philips, law professor, American University

Chris Hoover, Whirli

Betty  Ariel, quilter


And more surprises along the way!!!  Bonus material!  And of course, Copyright Lessons coming soon.






Just Wanna Quilt: An Immersive Research Project of Copyright


Podcast and Research Lab

Tulane University Law School

New Orleans, LA 70118




Quilting Army Krewe, LLC

New Orleans, LA 70125

(504) 339-3857


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